Blind QC Military Tribunal Commander Unlawfully Imprisoned Saint Georges, QC, July 14, 2023-

Days after the ‘Quebec Military Tribunal’, a three day event held June 2-4, 2023, the Commander and driving force behind it, Daniel Pagé Gaumond was brutally assaulted. Police unlawfully broke into his apartment, under the guise of a fraudulent warrant, stole his computers, cell phones, assaulted, and kidnapped him. Daniel has been unlawfully detained at a Québec detention for over one month. On July 12th, a judge ordered Daniel, to be transferred to a psychiatric ward, at Saint Georges Hospital, Québec, for an unwarranted psychiatric assessment.

The Quebec Military Tribunal was well attended by a panel of experts who testified from Canada and the USA, including prominent Doctors, Lawyers, a retired Judge and US Army General, Media personalities and Researchers, who provided significant evidence, to establish probable cause to issue arrest warrants, for the criminals acting as public servants in Canada, who are keeping the highly propagandized CoVID narrative alive. Although Daniel is legally blind, he has an iron clad memory and functions at an incredibly high level with technology.

On July 13 at 11:30 am, Daniel was transferred to St- George’s Hospital- psychiatric ward under the authority of a court appointed Psychiatrist, Dr Martin Doyon, who falsely diagnosed him with a concocted opinion, of “conspiracy theory delirium” caused by cannabis usage, and psychotic mental health problems. The judge had this deliberately falsified evaluation sealed from public access, with absolutely no evidence to validate it.

There is no prior diagnosis of any mental illness in Daniel’s history. Furthermore, Daniel’s private indigenous Mental Health Counsellor and Registered Ontario Social Worker, Kathleen has provided ongoing clinical impressions that indicate Daniel to be of sound mental state.

The Court is only supposed to order a psychiatric assessment “when it has reasonable grounds to believe there is evidence of the mental state at the time of the offence to determine whether ‘the accused’ was suffering from a mental disorder at the time of the claimed offence.” Since there was no crime committed there is absolutely no need for the court ordered assessment.

File 415-01-037195-227 is a file for a recent false accusation of impersonating a police officer pursuant to s. 130 of the Criminal Code, despite video and eyewitness evidence proving his innocence. There is a video of Daniel and two other members of the Québec National Guard, serving lawful notice to an alleged paedophile, at his home.

It is important note that Daniel is legally blind. When Quebec police unlawfully arrested him, for over a month, they failed to take care of or make arrangements for Daniel’s special cat, trained for the visually impaired. As a result, his best friend and life dependant cat died.

An interesting fact, Dr Doyon’s rating on ‘’ is ‘1’ out of ‘5’, with a comment, “WORSE “DOCTOR ???” EVER LIVING. Only prescribes. No intelligence at ALL. Like the hospital, he works for.”

On July 13 at 11:30 am, Daniel was moved to St- George’s Hospital, psychiatric ward, where it is feared that he may be forcibly injected with psychotropic drugs, similar to what happened to Dr Mel Bruchet in BC.

November 2021, 80 year-old, Dr Bruchet reported a significant (80%) rise in stillbirths in BC hospitals following the Sars-CoV2 (mRNA) injection, which Health Officer Bonnie Henry has insisted is “safe and effective.” Soon after Bruchet’s public presentations of this news, “Bonny aided, abetted and conspired with her criminal co-conspirators, dressed as RCMP officers’ to unlawfully arrest, detain and kidnap Dr Bruchet. He was then brutalized in this criminal organization clubhouse, fronting as a psychiatric ward, where he was tortured for 25 days, forcibly administered two psychotropic drugs and assaulted with a deadly weapon (a syringe loaded with weaponized biological agents).

Since 2015, Trudeau and governments across Canada, including British Columbia and Quebec, have aided and abetted in weaponized health on multiple levels. Daniel Pagé Gaumond is the latest victim of this assault against personal liberty and freedom. Daniel is Commander and counter terrorism Director of Quebec National Guard… The true Guardians of the people. He has dedicated the last 20 years of his life to finding natural cures, for chronic diseases, via the use of proven and inexpensive energy medicine and oxygen therapies. Daniel has been a medical fraud investigator for over 20 years. For more information and to assist Daniel please contact Howard at be*********@sy*******.ca and in**@ic******.net.




  1. They transferred the guy into a nuthouse with the intention of frying brains with meds. That part was no accident. Whatever he knew was so bad that the establishment had to go to the 11 to silence the poor guy.

  2. Daniel Gaumond Pagé was released out of prison on October 13th 2023. He is safe and sound on the 12th of November 2023./MFL