“We call on politicians and school boards, beginning with Prime Minister Trudeau, to retract their inflammatory and divisive comments and issue an apology to parents hurt by these comments.”

by Brad Salzberg


September 27, 2023

September 25, 2023: The Muslim Association of Canada “strongly condemn remarks on recent protests made by certain politicians, including our Prime Minister, as well as statements from school boards, unions, and reports from some media outlets.” 

Clearly, there’s a first time for everything. Since the day of his inauguration in the fall of 2015, PM Justin Trudeau has lauded, applauded, financed and promoted Muslim community advancement in Canadian society.

In return, the Liberal Party captured the Muslim-Canadian vote:

Muslim Canadians voted overwhelmingly for the Liberal Party in the[2015] election, helping Justin Trudeau secure the majority government that nine out of 10 of Muslims believe will help improve relations between themselves and other Canadians, according to a new survey.”

Call it a symbiotic relationship. Understanding that immigration from Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and other Middle Eastern countries would surge in 2020-2030, PM Trudeau took to doing what he does best: pandering on his knees(literally) to 3rd World immigrant voters groups, be it on a communal or religious basis.

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