by Cosmin Dzsurdzsa

True North

February 23, 2024

Environment Canada’s five-year science strategy includes looking into “climate-altering technologies” to deliberately alter the atmosphere and block out the sun.

The plan, outlined in the “Science Strategy 2024 to 2029” document from Environment and Climate Change Canada, signals the department’s near-term approach to research.

The key objective highlighted in the strategy is the need to enhance Canada’s comprehension of climate-altering technologies within its specific environmental context.

This includes a mandate to investigate the potential and implications of various techniques designed to deliberately intervene in the climate system, with the overarching goal of aligning with Canada’s net-zero emissions target.

“Understand the potential for climate engineering and determine the implications of technologies that aim to deliberately alter the climate system, typically to counteract climate warming (e.g., solar radiation modification, marine geoengineering, carbon dioxide removal techniques),” the document reads.

Another listed goal is to “conduct scientific assessments of climate-altering technologies and impacts on Canada.”

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