William Makis MD
May 5, 2024
NEW ARTICLE: CHLORINE DIOXIDE and CANCER – Most Controversial Alternative Cancer Treatment – Safety and New Research evidence in 8 papers examined
Probably the most controversial article I’ve written!
Chlorine Dioxide:
– purifies water
– destroys microbes on food
– sterilizes medical equipment
– second strongest disinfectant known after ozone
– rapidly and effectively destroys viruses
– used in 900 water treatment facilities
– estimated 12 million Americans drink Chlorine Dioxide treated water
– cytotoxic against breast and colorectal cancer cells
– prostate cancer responds dramatically with PSA levels droppin
– pancreatic cancer stabilizes on it
I review all the known literature as it pertains to Chlorine Dioxide use in Cancer
I also review the safety and dosing of Chlorine Dioxide.
The “Miracle in Bolivia”:
“we can affirm without a doubt…that chlorine dioxide is effective in the treatment of COVID-19, making RT-PCR negative in one hundred percent of cases at 7 days, significantly and rapidly modifying the symptoms of the disease, significantly reducing laboratory parameters to normality within 14 to 21 days.”
But what about Chlorine Dioxide and CANCER?
I review the evidence that exists in the literature and it’s very, very interesting!
The science and evidence is slowly growing.
Pancreatic Cancer
Prostate Cancer and PSA levels
Breast Cancer
Colorectal Cancer
Lung Cancer No, it’s not “bleach”.
No, it’s not “quackery”
Yes, it’s SAFE in appropriate doses
Yes, it has no side effects when taken appropriately
“chlorine dioxide possesses anticancer and antiviral activities probably due to its inducing activity of ROS production.”
“Potential benefits of utilizing ClO2 (Chlorine Dioxide) include the destruction of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the human body, the treatment of COVID-19 symptoms, and prevention of post-acute COVID-19 syndrome, or long-haulers syndrome. With the favorable aforementioned safety profile, it would appear that the benefits of low dose aqueous ClO2 therapy far outweigh the risks.”
Are you ready for the deep dive?
“Backpackers and emergency personnel can use 4 ppm to purify water, 30 ppm (per day) was used safely in two COVID-19 trials and 40 ppm in drinking water showed no toxicity in a subchronic oral toxicity test.“
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