“There are still areas where the two countries can cooperate when we must,” stated Liberal Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly this week.

by Brad Salzberg

June 18, 2024

Responding to criticism of foreign policy decisions related to Canada’s relationship with China in September, 2023, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau issued the following proclamation:

“There’s no room for rapprochement with China,” stated the PM.

China has made decisions over the past years that have made it more difficult — not just for Canada but for other countries — to engage,” Trudeau said in an interview.

The word ‘reproach’ means to “express disapproval or criticism of.” Despite accusations of treasonous behaviour in his Parliamentary ranks emanating from the NSICOP report, Trudeau’s Liberals are taking this moment to pursue diplomatic relations with the government of China:

“Canada will continue to pursue diplomacy with foreign states accused of interfering in democratic institutions, including China and India,” stated Liberal Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly told Global News this week.

“With China specifically, she said there are still areas where the two countries can cooperate ‘when we must’ — such as climate change, health, artificial intelligence and geo-politics.”

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