MP Marco Mendicino calls for creation of ‘protective zones’ around political constituency offices to shield MPs and staff from a rising tide of threatening behaviour.

by Brad Salzberg

July 18, 2024

July 18th, 2024: “Police say the Montreal constituency office of federal Immigration Minister Marc Miller was vandalized overnight. Outside, windows were smashed and walls were defaced with paint and graffiti.”

In terms of media presentation regarding the rapid rise of threats and violence directed toward Canadians MP’s, the press continue to overlook the main motivation. Permit CAP to call a “spade a spade”– the high-level motive is found in growing anger and resentment toward Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

“Former public safety minister Marco Mendicino is calling for the creation of ‘protective zones’ around political constituency offices to shield members of Parliament and their staff from a rising tide of threatening behaviour.”

Cultural Action Party [est.2016] have followed issues of this nature closely. Among a plethora of press articles which speak to threats and intimidation of Federal MP’s, not one that we have read attributes the incidents to the person at the the top of Canada’s political totem pole. A glaring omission it is.

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