The Trudeau government targeted, vilified and did everything in its power to punish Canadians who refused to take the experimental COVID-19 vaccines. This included the introduction of vaccine mandates and travel restrictions. At the time these measures were introduced it was clear that the vaccines did not stop transmission. Top scientific experts within the Public Health Agency of Canada have even testified, under oath, that there was no scientific evidence to justify the restrictions. When Omicron hit, COVID-19 cases surged amongst Canada’s mostly vaccinated population. During this period, official government of Ontario data showed that vaccinated individuals had HIGHER COVID-19 incident rates than the unvaccinated. The obvious failure of the vaccines to curtail community transmission put pressure on the provincial and federal governments to drop their vaccine passports and mandates. While the provinces relented on their unscientific restrictions, the Trudeau government refused to do so. Instead, they used federally funded fraudulent science led by Dr. David Fisman to justify extending their vaccine mandates and travel restrictions. The Fisman et al. study concocted a model to simulate data that flipped real-world trends in order to push the false narrative that the unvaccinated posed a disproportionate risk to others. The researchers then attempted to pass off the fabricated data as a true reflection of events and used their fake results to scapegoat the unvaccinated and advocate for the governments’ interventions. Despite being provided evidence of the research fraud, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) have chosen not to correct the public record and have continued to fund additional false pandemic studies led by Dr. Fisman. Based on the #1 Best Seller – Fisman’s Fraud: The Rise of Canadian Hate Science (CA) (US)