1. Every time I read one of these postings, I get all warm and fuzzy knowing that I was smart enough to refuse the covid-29 vaccines. However, as a result I was ostracized, denigrated, and not allowed to go into certain businesses or to even associate with my friends. Unfortunately, a lot of the Canadian “sheep” people were silly enough to actually trust their medical practitioners.
    Mind you, apparently 97 percent of the people who have been currently suffering with the monkeypox infection are either homosexual or bi-sexual. Could that be referred to as “fate”?
    How come the illustrious alleged doctor, B.C.s Bonnie Henry, Canada’s federal purported medical expert Theresa Tam and other so called medical experts throughout Canada didn’t know and/or disclose this monkeypox tidbit of information in the vaccine to patients before injecting them with the vaccine? A gross error of omission is the same as a deliberate lie.
    I am sure that every government medical person involved in this fiasco knew they were required by law to provide this type of information to patients BEFORE the injection. I remember they were all spouting off about INFORMED CONSENT. Why didn’t they put that simple requirement into actual practice?
    I’m guessing they were all so eager to collect their monetary fees for each injection that they didn’t care about their patient’s well being. Now, they are all wondering why we (Canadians) don’t trust the members of the medical profession.
    God damn them. I hope they are all, including our narcissistic and psychopathic prime minister, eventually punished with lengthy prison sentences.