“Pro-life organization Campaign Life Coalition is weighing its legal response after being labelled a ‘far right Christian nationalist group’ by a federally-subsidized anti-fascist network.”

by Brad Salzberg

August 15, 2024

August 15th, 2024: “Pro-life advocacy organization Campaign Life Coalition (CLC) is weighing its legal response after being publicly labelled a ‘far right Christian nationalist group’ by a federally-subsidized anti-fascist network.”

Can it be said that, as with beauty, “hate is in the eye of the beholder?” Can the observation be realistically applied to PM Justin Trudeau and his Liberal government’s dictum regarding the state of race-relations in Canada?

The annual National March for Life is organized by the Campaign Life Coalition, a leading pro-life and pro-family organization in Canada.

“The event is the most prominent forum for pro-life Canadians to demand justice for the 100,000 children who are killed in their mothers’ wombs each year by abortion. Currently, Canada is the only Western nation with zero legal protection for the pre-born, meaning abortion is permitted for any reason or no reason whatsoever, up till the moment of birth.”

And this constitutes “far-right” status for a Canadian not-for-profit organization? Do tell, fellow patriots– how does an advancement of sanctity-of-life equate with far-right political advocacy?

What would transpire if a group of Canadians turned this around to state that “pro-death” special interest groups are far more “far-right” than the anti-abortionists? Any thinking Canadian will know what the outcome would be: nothing at all, as the effort would be transformed into chopped-liver by mainstream media.

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