“Under one federal government, Canada’s medical regime has been utterly transformed, masked by misleading acronyms, false predictions and hidden data.”

by Brad Salzberg

August 18, 2024

From the Liberal Party of Canada website:

“Canadians have often heard Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speak of Sir Wilfrid Laurier’s ‘sunny ways’ – a guiding philosophy that both men share.”

“On October 19, 2015, they sent a clear message: it was time for a government with a positive, optimistic, and hopeful vision for Canada.”

To state that “things didn’t work out that way” reaches far beyond the parameters of a trite proclamation. In terms of PM Trudeau’s “sunny ways” edict, nothing can be further from the truth. Avoiding anecdotal evidence, we focus in on one particular “bug” in the Liberal government system:

A study, entitled “From Exceptional to Routine: The Rise of Euthanasia in Canada,” was released this past week. The shift from exceptional to routine refers to the practice of euthanasia, which has exploded from 1,018 deaths nationally in 2016 to 13,241 in 2022, the last year for which data are available.”

From “sunny ways” to the world’s number one nation in terms of per-capita “assisted” dying. Let’s hear it for woke progressives, medical practitioners, big pharma, and the government that legislates in their favour.

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