(Liberal-appointed Sen. Charles Adler – Wikipedia)

by Cory Morgan


August 20, 2024

The Canadian Senate has always been a plum used by federal governments to dangle as a reward for loyal supporters. While Conservative governments have often appointed elected senators when they could, most of their appointments are based on partisan favour. Liberals and Conservatives are both guilty of having made some terrible appointments. Mike Duffy comes to mind when it comes to journalists appointed into the Senate as a reward for years of good coverage.

The Reform Party of the 1990s built much of its base on pushing for what was called an EEE Senate which stood for equal, elected and effective. It’s presumed the effective part would come on its own if the equal and elected parts of the Senate could be achieved

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  1. Anyone who thinks that Charles Adler suddenly changed his views in 2019 wasn’t paying attention. He started out as a Pierre Trudeau Liberal in Montreal, and like almost all neocons, has returned to his lefty roots. Go to his essay at Huffington Post (https://www.huffpost.com/archive/ca/entry/stephen-harper_ca_5dc198a1e4b03d0aad00d226), where he claims that he stopped voting Conservative as far back as 2011, and that he’s always supported abortion and alphabet perversion. There’s nothing conservative about those “values” or supporting wars in far off continents where we have no national interests.