Shocking to learn CN Railway trains are not crown corporation but owned by Bill Gates, Blackrock and Vanguard. Canadian and US economies at risk.






  1. Oh, imagine that. They were sold off to the lowest bidder.

    Looks like American-style “export everything to someone else and cry fowl when something goes wrong” is coming back to bite them, huh?

  2. OMG I surely was not aware of this, as most Canadians are not also, thank you so much for this, I new this was a set up, everything that Trudeau does is to destroy Canada. Sold off CN sold off our mining. Lets see if jagmeet will do as he says, lets have an election now….

  3. I would put my money on pigs becoming aerodynamic before we see another election. They already put their foot in the door for us to never have another election again when they got away with pushing it back a week just so our traitors in parliament could all get their pensions for selling us out to the lowest bidder.