“The trend toward manageable immigration is crucial if we want to improve integration,” stated Sweden’s Minister of Immigration this week.

by Brad Salzberg

September 1, 2024

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau would rather citizens be kept in the dark. As funded by his Liberal government, so too would Canadian media. For the past nine-years, political leaders and the press have been locked-in tight in terms of promotion of all-things-immigration.

It is only with reluctance that PM Trudeau has instituted any measure of flexibility in terms of immigration policy. Likely, if he had his druthers, Canada would continue indefinitely with its cultural-diluting policies.

Immigration, refugee intake, multiculturalism, “diversity” agendas, illegals, asylum seekers–the whole nine yards. There has to be a reason (votes, polls) for even a minor about-face regarding standard Liberal policies. Justin Trudeau has for years famously neglected fundamentals of democratic governance– ignoring the “will of the people” being critical to his neo-communist political agenda.

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