by Harvey Oberfeld

Keeping It Real…

September 10, 2024

A video released today by the Israel Defence Forces says it all!

No reasonable, civilized person who sees this video of where Hamas kept and then murdered the latest six hostages , should want to see any of the Palestinian terrorist groups SAVED to fight another day.

Here’s the story (not yet reported by CBC, CTV, Global or BBC) … and the video:

I watched it … and my reaction (hopefully yours too) is that Israel MUST totally obliterate Hamas, Islamic Jihad ability to continue to fight, re-arm, repeat their brutality … directed NOT at military targets or personnel, but at totally defenceless civilians.

To hell with the UN … Hamas’ public relations voice; to hell with UNRWA, which has aided and abetted Hamas’s continued domination of Palestinian life in Gaza; to hell with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and other “world” leaders who keep pressuring Israel to “cease fire”, but never for Hamas and other terrorists to lay down their weapons, withdraw or surrender; to hell with the radically polluted student movements, unions and “human rights” organizations that pass resolutions and campaign/weep so often over the suffering of Palestinians, but never pass resolutions and weep/campaign over the suffering/casualties/losses of so many Israel families; and, to hell with the compromised, corrupted media, who DELIBERATELY mislead their readers, listeners and viewers with hours and hours of videos making it look/sound like the IDF kills and inflicts suffering on mostly civilians, women, children, the elderly …almost never terrorists, but fail to show where/how Hamas moves/operates right in the midst of civilian areas, in “safe” zones, by hospitals, inside mosques, and … as shown in today’s video, underneath a young child’s bedroom!

Israel must OBLITERATE Hamas’ military capability TOTALLY.

Imagine the world had the Allies done a “cease fire” and allowed the Nazis to survive and continue to rule Germany; think of the innocent lives, on both sides, that would have been lost if the Allies had agreed to a “cease fire” and not insisted on total surrender of the Japanese empire.

The video now made public shows exactly what the Israelis are up against … and why Hamas’s military presence in Gaza MUST be obliterated. Period!

Harv Oberfeld



  1. Harv, have you checked out the Mossad’s motto: Proverbs 24:6, be-tahbūlōt ta`aseh lekhā milkhamāh (Hebrew: בתחבולות תעשה לך מלחמה), which means “By way of deception you shall engage in war.”

    So, seriously, you are going to lap up anything that the IDF puts out and unquestioningly regurgitate it as if it was Absolute Truth?

    And you call yourself a journalist? Man, my eyes are rolling back in their sockets like a Los Vegas slot machine on that one.

    Harv. Put on your journalist hat and look up “Five Dancing Israelis”

    • I am skeptical of ALL sides in P.R. wars: that’s what marks REAL journalists . Watch with a critical eye …and ear. The problem is what we are getting from the major mainstream networks is just quoting Hamas statements and Hamas stats without any challenges, but just ignore Israeli statements and stats …even when they identify be names of the terrorists hit in air strikes!

  2. An incident today makes my point perfectly: CBC carried a report from Gaza quoting Hamas/UNRWA officials that 14 “Palestinians”, including six UNRWA employees were killed in an Israeli air strike at a Gaza school, where civilians had taken refuge. Terrible tragedy! Horrific! Then I turned to ‘i24 News” from Israel …part of my Rogers news channels package. What the CBC story did NOT say was that the Israelis identified 9 of those hit as Hamas terrorists …including THREE of them who were employed by UNRWA. Who knows the full story” but when reporting from conflict zones, honest news demands both sides be reported …not just one! Were terrorists imbedded at a UN school??? Were any of those UNWRA staff killed members of Hamas??? Shouldn’t the “media” be asking these questions??? Perhaps the CBC will update their info later … but I find this is a significant frequent shortcoming of too many networks: accepting Hamas’s propaganda without question, but ignoring or downplaying the Israeli side of each story. Shameful. h.o)