Michelle Stirling, Communications Manager for Friends of Science, once again joins Tanya Gaw on the Empower Hour to expose what Climate Policies are really costing Canadians, turning taxpayers into risk takers (against their will) in response to a burdensome ideology that is proven to be ineffective. “As Canada is responsible for only 1.5% of global GHG emissions, the federal objective to reduce emissions by 40% would reduce global emissions by 0.6%, some or all of which will be offset by increased emissions elsewhere. If Canada achieved the intended emissions reduction and maintained that reduction in future, the global average temperature would be reduced by 0.007°C (seven thousandths of a degree Celsius) as of 2100“. The cost to Canadians by 2050 of implementing Climate Policies is estimated to be between $2 – $5.2 TRILLION!
In reality, the climate crisis is a giant fraud being used by the elites to orchestrate a massive wealth transfer, control our resources and drive people into controllable 15 Minute Cities. Michelle’s presentation will provide critical evidence that should be shared with every elected official, in our battle to shut down the 15 Minute City global agenda nationwide.
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  1. Laura Lynne and Tanya Gaw are radical Zionists who believe bombing women and children in Gaza is justified by the Amalekite Doctrine. They need to be called out.
    It’s very unfortunate that they have dragged the ant-vaxx (bioweapon) group they had been part of down this wicked Zionist trail of tears.

  2. Paul,
    The Amalekite Doctrine is a rejection of God. See below.

    The Amalekite Doctrine refers to a concept that identifies Amalek, a biblical figure and his descendants, as a symbol of atheism, cynicism, and hedonism. According to this doctrine, Amalek represents a rejection of God and a pursuit of selfish interests, leading to unethical behavior.

    Groups associated with Amalek

    In this context, various groups throughout history have been metaphorically linked to Amalek, including:

    The Romans, Nazis, Stalinists, ISIS, and bellicose Iranian leaders such as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who are seen as embodying the Amalekite spirit of aggression and disregard for divine authority.
    More broadly, some Hasidic rabbis (particularly the Baal Shem Tov) view Amalek as a representation of atheism or cynical rejection of God, leading to hedonism and unethical behavior.