The film begins with a history of the Canadian Armed Forces, before explaining how “politics, ideology, and utter disregard for our servicemen and women” led to a decline that has left the nation’s reputation “in tatters on the international stage.”

It features interviews with nearly two dozen people including national security experts, veterans, policymakers, and retired Generals, as well as the former heads of the Canada’s Army, Navy, and Air Force.

“My latest documentary, Forsaken Warriors: How Trudeau Broke Canada’s Military is a no-holds-barred investigation into the state of Canada’s military and the treatment of its veterans,” Gunn said in a press release. “I hope the film serves as a wake-up call to Canadians about the state of our Armed Forces, and the urgent need to deliver the equipment, funding and moral support to our men and women in uniform that they desperately need and deserve.”

Gunn added that, “of all the films I have produced, I believe this to be the most important,” noting that, “the dilapidated state of our military and the horrific treatment of its veterans is simply not acceptable.”

“I am hopeful this film might finally shock Canadians, and the government, into action,” he concluded.

The film, which premiered on Vancouver Island in August, has received widespread audience praise, with a number of 10/10 reviews on IMDB.