1. Yes, it will allow technocrats, bureaucrats, apparachiks, functionaries, politicians and grifters to say “Oh, no, it’s not me, we have to follow the UN rules”
    They can say, and the enforcers and system pigs and the Karens and enforce and hector and “report their neighbours to the authorities”.
    As flawed as the Charter of Rights and Freedoms may be, it is the Charter of Canada that is supposed to protect the rights of Canadians and any agreement, that infringes upon the Charter Rights, is de facto null and void. In the minds of politicans and the hangers-on and grifters described earlier, it may not be, and in fact may be in the way of their desired technocratic and authortarian goals, however, it is there.
    Understandably, it may seem soft and the judiciary may run around like scared rabbits and provide soft or non-existent protection to us, however, the pendulum ALWAYS swings and once rectified, this agreement, as will so many others such as all that carbon dioxide climate change crap, will be torn up and the people responsible for these agreements will have to have their heads on a swivel.
    That being said. As a Canadian, you have EVERY RIGHT to ignore and impede these so-called agreements. In fact, IT IS YOUR DUTY