Startling BC Election —-Not Because NDP Did Not Get A Majority ( SOCIALISM MUCH ALIVE STILL) But No Mention Of Deficit And Debt And No Talk Of Covid Inquiry

by The Honourable A. Brian Peckford


October 20, 2024

I watched the Global News coverage. I don’t know if it was much different than CTV or CBC coverage.

But last night and throughout the ‘lazy’ campaign I was “struck “ by the fact that so few people really were concerned about the Province’s  finances or about our civil rights.

One would think that given  our deficit position and hence increasing debt that the new so called conservatives would not want to spend more money than we take in but no ———this money stuff just comes out of thin air it seems . And the silly Greens wanted to stop fossil fuel activity and stop fracking . And BC biggest export is COAL. Insulated in the Victoria bubble will do that to you.

We’re growing our debt faster than any Province . As the Fraser Institute says

  • If the provinces continue on their current path, British Columbia will be amongst the most indebted in Canada in five years. We project that net debt—a measure that adjusts for financial resources—would reach $36,909 per person in 2029/30, which represents 40.4% of provincial GDP.
  • If these developments come to pass, British Columbia would be more indebted using either metric than either Ontario or Quebec, a remarkable reversal in a short period of time.

Not something to be proud of one would think. But both major parties tried to out spend  one another in this campaign . Momey we don’t have but have to borrow.

No talk of deficit or debt concern .

Of equal importance is the total neglect concerning our civil rights and how they were  trampled on and abused this last 4 years . The covid fiasco of ignoring science and our constitution mark a low point for democracy in this Province.  Many public places refused to allowed me to voice my opinion  including my local high school and local Council but thankfully fundamentalist Christian Churches and some brave small businesses came to the rescue. To see the likes of Eby  and Dix ,who had Bonnie Henry act  as the front person for Cabinet and the Legislature,  get re-elected tells one just how low our democratic values have fallen . Citizens denied specialist appointments , necessary surgery—people permanently injured and many died unnecessarily.

Yet no accountability. No party talks about it!




  1. Yes they all avoided the big fucking elephant in the room. How is it that before the early voting the Conservatives were ahead. Then all of a sudden these guys are neck and neck. I call BS, it is the tabulation machine. Yay the leased machine with no name that can have you the numbers instantly. The machine that spits out the vote, then they have no idea whether your vote got counted. What do we do Mr. Peckford when we know deep in our bones these guys are lying. I sure in the hell did not vote NDP and from what I see and hear there is no way they would have those numbers. Not only that what is with independents? How is they are voted when all we are doing is voting for the Premier? And Green could not even keep her seat. The bogus climate alarmist, maybe everyone should look up all the patents the US has on weather modification. Remember the US will own the weather by 2025, they own it now. There is none so blind than those who refuse to see.