British Columbia —The Built In Socialism !

The Provincial  Election on October 19 provided one of the best opportunities for some party to the right of the  NDP to take power . With the complete collapse of the Liberal Party of BC , once the coalition of Liberals and Conservatives in the Province, and the resurgent Conservative Party of BC , you had this unique opportunity for this one Party to the right( so called  although hardly conservative in more pure terms ) to have a real shot at unseating the Socialists . And in the recount it might still happen. But even if so ,barely.

It points to what has happened in many parts of the western world where the dominance of Government and Government agencies within society and the economy have led many —to the left , to socialism. The growth of government , federal , provincial and municipal see many university graduates working for them , all imbued with the left wing views so prevalent in today’s halls of higher learning. And urban growth has concentrated this nest of left wing ideology and with this growth more political ridings and the preponderance of left wing candidates being elected. The urban centres have the concentration of health care and universities and government, all hot beds of progressive , left wing ideas that lack common sense and real life circumstances. These urban centres are bubbles of progressivism and could not exist in a less urban setting for long.

Of course, there are exceptions as we will see as we review the BC recent political scene —but the trend is clear and makes the successful rise to power of conservative parties far more difficult.

Looking at the recent election results we see 11 of the 12 ridings in Vancouver all won by the NDP, the home of UBC and the big health care facilities and BCIT nearby in Burnaby.  And Simon  Fraser University in Burnaby and the five ridings in Burnaby all NDP. Then there are two in Coquitlam , 1 out of 2 in Delta and 1 out  of 2 in Maple Ridge, NDP. Then there are two in North Vancouver , NDP, one in New Westminster and Port Coquitlam and Port Moody.

This is a flying start for the Socialists.

If one goes to the Island , take Metro Victoria , home of University of Victoria , Royal Rhodes University , Camosun College , the island’s largest hospitals , and the home of the Legislature and the many Government Departments. Hence, Oak bay -Gordon Head, Sannich South, Victoria Beacon Hill, Victoria Swan Lake, and Esquimalt Colwood all NDP. And Langford-the Highlands.

The Powell  River Sunshine Coast went NDP and the North Coast Haida Gwaii. So some even rural ridings are NDP. There was a even a Green elected in Sannich North and The Islands and another in West Vancouver Sea to Sky!!

Up Island from Victoria even Cowichan and Ladysmith Oceanside went NDP . And MidIsland -Pacific Rim.

And Nanaimo , the island’s largest city, home of Vancouver Island University, two BC Ferry Terminals , Regional Hospital—-well the two ridings went NDP .

So you would have to have a lot of Richmond’s, Surrey ‘s and Fraser Valley’s to offset this base of socialism . And while Kamloops and Prince George went conservative their size does not garner the seats the larger urban centres do. .And though Kelowna was conservative two Kootenay seats went NDP.

BC is not alone , especially in the west . Look at Edmonton and Calgary !! If it was not for such a strong almost unanimous rural Conservative base the Socialists would be in control there as well. Edmonton is rushing to be a 15 minute city. And Saskatchewan election sees a resurgent NDP with the urban centres firmly in their control but the rural, like in Alberta , will keep a right leading party in power, I suspect. And Manitoba is already in the Socialist camp.

In today’s environment in Canada we see right of NDP parties and a  little right of Liberal  Parties , but not real Conservative parties  . Some more conservative activity is happening in parts of Europe and individual states in the US , Florida and South Dakota come to mind. Sadly, here in Canada federally it is more an anti Trudeau movement than a clear eyed Conservative Party alternative especially if one looks at the Conservative platform. All the parties are in the ‘administrative state’ mode .

Socialism will be hard to root out in this provincial and national environment —-likely not until the lenders decide to stop lending.

by The Honourable A. Brian Peckford


October 21, 2024