Brics Plus Plus

America lurches blind into the future 

by Bruce O’Hara

October 28, 2024

To the blind all things are sudden. (Marshall McLuhan)

Larry Johnson observed on Friday that American mainstream media was remarkably silent on three very important topics this week: the war in Ukraine, war in the Middle East, and the BRICS summit in Kazan, Russia.

This triple across-the-board news blackout is strong evidence that clearly we now must speak of “American Freedom of the Press” in the past tense.

I suspect that astute observers of America’s mainstream media have already figured out that a dearth of information on a particular topic is itself a form of information. Those people have undoubtedly all consulted the blog-o-sphere to find out what happened in Ukraine and Israel that was so bad that the mainstream media were panicked en masse into: “Nothing to see here!

The BRICS summit in Kazan was arguably by far the most important of the week. Americans who rely only on mainstream media probably do not even know that this hugely important global summit took place.

Why was this summit important?

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