When a Health Scam by Bonnie Henry & @Dave_Eby are about to SLAUGHTER 400 HEALTHY OSTRICHES!!!
! ! ! https://t.co/6QvLyxejy6
— Rob Logan (@Northerngold01) January 26, 2025
When a Health Scam by Bonnie Henry & @Dave_Eby are about to SLAUGHTER 400 HEALTHY OSTRICHES!!!
! ! ! https://t.co/6QvLyxejy6
— Rob Logan (@Northerngold01) January 26, 2025
Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, the most evil of all in BC. Stop going after the animals stop all this bull shit culling. No animal or bird should ever be given any vaccination. Period. Dogs should only get rabies….or nothing. Cull all the chickens, birds, cows, cows and pigs thus no more food. Just like when they got rid of the Mink farm. I hope I am still alive to see all these Covid Bio Weapon Shills get the justice they deserve.
Although plenty of destruction has been caused by Dr. Henry and Adrian Dix in the healthcare of British Columbians, this ostrich cull is a actually federal action by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. Let’s be sure that we lay the blame where it actually belongs. Then you know where to send letters asking for a scientific justification.
Ah, the actions of the retarded enforcement goons who are employed by the infamous Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) are being let loose again. The primary purpose of their mandate is to inhibit the food supply available to Canadians in any manner possible because their Liberal/NDP psychopathic elected members of Parliament goons think it will be much easier for them to “control” us if we are hungry and malnourished.
Fortunately, these “goons” and their elected bosses have never witnessed what happens when a large group of hungry people decide to retaliate and dispose of their psychotic elected leaders(?). Just ask that Italian guy Mussolini. Oh right, we can’t because he ended up doing the chicken dance from a light pole as a result of having encountered a number of hungry and pissed off citizens.
These jerks at the CFIA just kill birds, animals, cattle, anything just for the sake of killing. No actual rhyme nor reason can be attributed to what they do. Their CFIA motto is, “if it moves, is healthy and beneficial to humans let’s kill it”. Joseph Mengele, a now deceased Nazi SS doctor who liked to “experiment” on various animals and humans would be proud of them.
A long time ago when I was a Police Detective, I occasionally encountered people with this very same sense of entitlement who liked to kill defenseless animals. The primary concern from a law enforcement point of view was because it was quite common for a large number of these people who like to kill defenseless birds and animals, tended to often graduate to killing other humans.
BEWARE OF GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES, especially those who like to kill.