by Spencer Fernando

August 23, 2018

Bernier says Conservatives under current leadership have “all but abandoned their principles,” and the party is too “intellectually corrupt” to be fixed.

Maxime Bernier is leaving the Conservative Party of Canada, after remarks in which he ripped into the current leadership of the Conservatives, saying they had abandoned Conservative principles on issues ranging from NAFTA, Supply Management, and immigration.

Bernier said Andrew Scheer is following the Trudeau Liberals, and making decisions based upon polls, instead of principles. He said Scheer and the party just utter poll-tested platitudes, which he says are empty and don’t offer Canadians a real choice.

Bernier also said that Canada must emphasize the values that unite us and encourages social cohesion, rather than focusing on ethnic and cultural differences, and said the Conservatives are too afraid to take a real stand on the issue, because of their fear of the media and attacks from the left.

In his remarks, Bernier said Andrew Scheer as Prime Minister would just be a more moderate version of Justin Trudeau, and said nobody knows what Scheer’s vision is.

Read More HERE

Maxime Bernier’s Remarks Leaving What He Calls The “Intellectually & Morally Corrupt” Conservative Party