by Spencer Fernando

October 19, 2018

Kudlow made the remarks at a dinner in Washington.

At a dinner in Washington D.C., Trump’s top economic adviser Larry Kudlow shared details on how a White House official referred to Justin Trudeau.

As reported by the Washington Examiner, here’s what Kudlow said:

“A friend of mine in the White House, who will go unnamed, said, ‘You know, I know why you’re supporting this deal Larry, it’s because we made a deal. We didn’t walk away, we didn’t end it, we made a deal. Alright? ‘Spite that little punk kid running Canada, we still made it,’” Kudlow said, referring to Trudeau. “And I’ve had some wonderful run-ins with him.”

The reported comment is the latest in a series of events that – despite the recent signing of the USMCA – have shown deteriorating relations between Canada and the U.S.

While much of the Canadian establishment media has pinned all the blame for the tensions on the Trump Administration, the Trudeau government bears significant responsibility as well.

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