
December 28, 2018

(Natural News) New research out of the University of California, Berkeley has revealed that many conventional shampoo, soap, and toothpaste products are loaded with endocrine-disrupting chemicals, or EDCs, that damage hormones in developing children.

Young girls, the study found, are reaching puberty much earlier than normal as a result of exposure to these EDCs. And boys, it further found, are similarly experiencing reductions in testosterone levels from simple use of contaminated products.

Published in the journal Human Reproduction, the paper was compiled from data collected as part of the Centre for the Health Assessment of Mothers and Children of Salinas (CHAMACOS), which followed 338 children from pre-birth into adolescence to assess the impact of various environmental exposures.

What they determined is that, over the past 20 years, the average age at which children are reaching puberty is getting increasingly earlier – and a major culprit are personal care products that contain chemicals known to interfere with normal hormone expression.

“We know that some of the things we put on our bodies are getting into our bodies, either because they pass through the skin or we breathe them in or we inadvertently ingest them,” stated Kim Harley, the study’s lead author and an associate adjunct professor in Berkeley’s School of Public Health.

“We need to know how these chemicals are affecting our health.”

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