
January 2, 2019

(Natural News) Whole Foods Market, now owned by Amazon, has pulled off an elaborate five-year GMO labeling hoax that deceived its own customers while promoting the ongoing sales of genetically engineered foods. Back in 2013, under intense pressure from honest food advocates who exposed Whole Foods’ retailing of unlabeled GMOs, the food giant disarmed critics by promising that, by the end of 2018, everything it sells would be accurately labeled with its GMO content.

The clean food movement took Whole Foods at its word, backing off from pressuring the retailer, believing a significant victory had been achieved and that Whole Foods would keep its promise. Today, five years later, we now know that Whole Foods betrayed its customers and quietly walked away from its five-year promise to label GMOs on everything it sells. The original promise has now been revealed to be an elaborate corporate hoax that sought to deceive the very same Whole Foods customers who demand honest food labeling.

In 2013, Whole Foods promised “full GMO transparency” … but it turned out to be an insulting hoax


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