America became a hotspot for sex trafficking under Obama
By: Jay Greenberg
Originally Published:1st January 2019

During Obama’s second presidential term, the United States became the world’s number one hotspot for sex trafficking and pedophilia.The US shifted to become the top destination for human traffickers and child sex slavery rings.Barack Obama let his people down in many ways during his time as president, but perhaps it is the nation’s most vulnerable members — the children — who were let down the most by his administration.

Many patriotic Americans take pride in a belief the United States is, or at least was, the greatest country in the world.  Few would argue that America is “not what it used to be,” especially considering the backsliding that occurred under the Obama presidency.Current President Donald Trump was swept into power because he ran on a campaign slogan to “Make America Great Again,” tapping into the powerful belief held by the silent majority of Americans that what was once considered “great” in America suffered badly during the era of Obama, Hillary Clinton, and their cronies.

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