Jimmy Lewis


March 25, 2019

Kaya Jones, a former member of the Pussycat Dolls, claimed in a March 1 tweet that “every single Democrat that voted against the born alive bill received money from Planned Parenthood.”

Kaya Jones


Every single democrat that voted against the born alive bill received money from Planned Parenthood. Women’s rights must be in a wallet it seems.

Verdict: True

Of the 44 senators who voted against ending debate and proceeding to a vote on the Born Alive bill, 42 were Democrats – all of whom received funding from Planned Parenthood during their latest election cycle.

Fact Check:

The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act was introduced to the Senate on Jan. 31 by Republican Sen. Ben Sasse. The legislation came after a Virginia delegate faced backlash for stating that an abortion bill under consideration in the state would allow abortions up until the moment of birth.

The Senate bill would “prohibit a health care practitioner from failing to exercise the proper degree of care in the case of a child who survives an abortion or attempted abortion,” according to the bill summary.

On Feb. 25, the Born Alive bill only received 53 of the 60 votes necessary to end debate and proceed to a vote in the Senate. It received 50 “yea” votes from Republicans and three from Democrats, as well as 42 “nay” votes from Democrats and two from Independents.

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