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Connecting the Dots

Canadian Hospital Unveils Assisted Suicide Plans for Kids, Parents Won’t Know Until Child Is...

Doctors from a Toronto children's hospital recently published policies on physician-assisted suicide for children, revealing that in some cases, parents won't be notified until after the child has died

Q – We Are The Plan

This is not fantasy. They just made us think it is. ALERT! Everything is a lie. We were about to go down the toilet and then were miraculously saved - all while we were focused on everything but what is the most transformative event in living history

Maxime Bernier Supports Bill That Would Expunge Past Pot Possession Convictions

The issue of pardons has raised some concern, since a pardon still shows up on someones record, while an expungement would remove the record entirely

14,000 Abandoned Wind Turbines Litter The United States

The towering symbols of a fading religion, over 14,000 wind turbines, abandoned, rusting, slowly decaying

Trump Adviser Kudlow Says White House Official Called Trudeau “That Little Punk Kid”

At a dinner in Washington D.C., Trump’s top economic adviser Larry Kudlow shared details on how a White House official referred to Justin Trudeau

Hollywood actor blasts billionaire George Soros as ‘satanic’

Billionaire George Soros is "satanic," a neo-Nazi collaborator hellbent on undermining Western civilization, says Hollywood movie star James Woods

Climatologist Dr. Tim Ball Gives an Explanation for Al Gore’s ‘Loopy’ Theory

Nobody does a better job of proving Mark Twain’s maxim than Al Gore

State Demands Christian US Filmmakers Make Same-Sex Films or Face Jail Time

A Christian couple who owns a media company is suing the state of Minnesota after being threatened with fines and imprisonment if they refuse to make films involving same-sex marriage

Why it’s time to arrest the CEOs of Google and Facebook

by Mike Adams October 17, 2018 (Natural News) The tech giants are pure evil. They ran a coordinated, deliberate campaign to claim they would protect free speech...

Huge Red Wave Coming – Let’s Run The Table

What would it take to run the Table? Red Wave Extraordinaire