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Maxime Bernier – People’s Party of Canada, Fiscal Responsibility, NAFTA Interview with Jim Goddard

https://youtu.be/-cZT-lboDlo Maxime Bernier – People’s Party of Canada, Fiscal Responsibility, NAFTA.   Guest's website: https://www.peoplespartyofcanada.ca/ | https://www.maximebernier.com/ Produced by https://www.HoweStreet.com Don't miss out - Stay Informed! Receive the HoweStreet.com...

CIVIL WAR ALERT: Leftists openly plot mass executions of conservatives as Democrats release home...

by Mike Adams September 28, 2018 (Natural News) As Leftists continue to lose political power in America due to elections (President Trump) and Supreme Court nominations (Brett...

Nolte: Christine Blasey Ford Brought No Evidence but Plenty of Contradictions

by John Nolte September 28, 2018 Christine Blasey Ford, the woman accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of attempting to sexually assault her in 1982 when...

NAFTA: At News Conference, Donald Trump Says He Rejected Meeting With Trudeau, Doesn’t Like...

Relations between Trudeau government & Trump administration hit new low

BOMBSHELL: Christine Blasey Ford’s letter to Sen. Dianne Feinstein revealed to be a total...

A bombshell revelation is rocking the political world today as it is revealed the letter released by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, who claims the letter was written by Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford, is a fake that could not possibly have been authored by Ford

Instead Of Pursuing A Worthless UN Seat, Trudeau Should Focus On Canadian Citizens For...

by Spencer Fernando September 25, 2018 The UN is an increasingly-discredited joke. Why should the Canadian government waste any time and money pursuing a worthless security...

The Good Doctor and Me, by Byron Christopher

The good doctor and I have known each other for nearly four decades. We don’t always agree on everything dear to her — religion, for example — and I reckon she doesn’t care much for my line of work, journalism

DEFUND: After Horrendously Biased Interview With Bernier, CBC Has Reached A Pathetic New Low

Wendy Mesley was clearly on a mission to demonize Bernier, throwing wild conspiracy theories at him rather than actually conducting a legitimate interview.


by John Scott September 23, 2018 In the second week of May 2014, British soldier Vivian Cunningham was drugged and institutionalized against his will. Apparently, his “crime”...

EMERGENCY REPORT: Signed Executive Orders reveal Trump is planning mass arrests, military tribunals for...

As the documents cited here clearly show, President Trump is planning to carry out mass arrests of deep state traitors, including Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, James Comey and even Barack Obama