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Connecting the Dots


Tough Questions to Ask White Rock Candidates, with Sheryl McCumsey

Why is White Rock Unwilling to Test Water for Pesticides?

DECLINE: There Are Fewer Jobs In Canada Now Than There Were At The End...

The consequences of Justin Trudeau’s failed policies are adding up

Bernier-Libertarian party merger is in the works

Maxime Bernier has taken the Canadian political world by storm since his departure from the Conservative party.  Now, he might be ready to drop another bombshell

Hypocrite Trudeau Gives $1.37 Billion To B.C. NDP Government Despite Pipeline Opposition, While Cutting...

Does he think people won’t notice the blatant double standard?

SURVEY: 17% Say They’re Open To Voting For Bernier Party

A survey by Nanos Research for the Globe & Mail reveals that 17% of Canadians say they’re ‘open’ to voting for a party led by Maxime Bernier

California candidate for Governor promises free health care for all illegal immigrants in latest...

Gavin Newsom is running for Governor in California, and he’s already bragging about his plans to drive the state into financial oblivion

CBC’s TV Ratings Are A Disaster

Out of the 30 most watched shows in Canada between August 13-19, not a single one was from CBC

CNN: Breitbart is “Hate News”, Targets 4000 Advertisers

https://youtu.be/I_eWBPpCBiU CNN Boosts Left-Wing Campaign to Censor Breitbart; Approves ‘Blacklisting’ by Joel B. Pollak CNN swept aside journalistic ethics on Sunday by endorsing a blacklisting campaign with...

A Visit With Two Reporters, by Byron Christopher

I recently spent time with two veteran broadcasters, radio reporters. One was a friend, the other a foe.

Trump Hits Canada Over Trade Talks: U.S. Shouldn’t Have to ‘Buy’ Allies with ‘Bad’...

The president began his tough trade talk by declaring there is “political necessity to keep Canada in the new NAFTA deal,” adding if the U.S. and Canada do not reach a “fair deal,” following “decades of abuse,” then its northern neighbor will find itself “out,” of the agreement