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Connecting the Dots

For America to survive, Google must be defeated

How Google is deliberately driving America toward open warfare

DEFUND: CBC Runs Garbage Article Saying Doug Ford Only Won Because He’s A Straight...

Whenever you think that the state propaganda broadcaster can’t go any further towards leftist insanity, a new article or story comes along

What Trudeau did to set Trump off. It will surprise you! by Brian Lilley

I was puzzled, truly puzzled at what Justin Trudeau could have said during his closing news conference to set Donald Trump off

Twitter Poll: 72% Oppose Removal Of Maxime Bernier From Shadow Cabinet

“From the very beginning to the very end, one policy issue was at the centre of my campaign for the leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada: supply management in agriculture. This is the system established by Pierre Trudeau’s government in the early 1970s that keeps the prices of dairy, poultry, and eggs artificially high. As I said repeatedly during the campaign, it’s a cartel. It’s the total opposite of a free market, and a conservative party should not be supporting it.”

VIDEO: Trump Says Trudeau’s G7 Remarks Are Going To Cost Canadians “A Lot Of...

During a press conference in Singapore, Donald Trump again criticized Justin Trudeau for his G7 remarks

WATCH: Donald Trump & Kim Jong Un Sign “Very Comprehensive Document”

“We had a historic meeting and decided to leave the past behind and we are about to sign a historic document,” said Kim.

Chris Wallace Reveals What Kind of Man Krauthammer Really Is in Emotional On-Air Tribute...

The graceful greatness of conservative commentator Charles Krauthammer was revealed in his farewell, Fox News anchor Chris Wallace said Friday in an on-air tribute to the conservative legend

LEADERSHIP: Ford Says Anti-Semitic Al Quds Day “Should Never Be Permitted” In Ontario

Even before officially taking office, Ford is showing strong leadership

Today’s Opening Statement by Judge Jeanine Pirro – June 9th, 2018

There was a time when America celebrated successes together. When we came out with our kids waving our flags and teaching our children the importance of patriotism. Donald Trump is bringing America back, and it's time for the un-American haters to get on board