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Connecting the Dots


Media Blackout as British Government Scrubs Reports on Tommy Robinson Arrest

Journalist Sentenced to 12 Months in Prison Same Day as Arrest!!!

Never Trust the CBC, by Candice Malcolm (Video added)

The CBC thinks you and I are “far-right.” Why? Well, according to the state broadcasting, opposing illegal immigration, worrying about ISIS terrorism, and loving our country is all it takes to be far-right these days

Canada: Migrant Crisis Leads to Fighting in the Streets as Police Stand Down (Video)

Last year, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invited all self-professed “refugees” to his country via Twitter, effectively opening the borders without any vote or debate

Election Rigging and Corruption?

Jim's guest is Bev Harris, founder of Black Box Voting...

Toronto Mayor Says City Has Received ZERO Help From Trudeau Government As Illegal Border...

Every day the crisis isn’t solved, the burden on services paid for by Canadians will keep getting worse

Explaining Canada’s Equalization Payments, by Candice Malcolm

Canada’s equalization program simply does not make any sense

Morris: Voters Moving Right While Democrats Move Left

Over the past five months, President Trump’s ratings, according to the realclearpolitics.com moving average, have flipped from 38-58 to 44-52 — a growth of six points in approval and a drop of six points in disapproval

Vancouver Mayor Fighting Release of Secret E Mails. Bob Mackin

Could controversial pipeline be re-routed?

LAWSUIT: Monsanto hid the truth about glyphosate and cancer

For the first time ever, the world’s most evil corporation may finally have to face up to their crimes in court

Republicans Announce They’re Going After Hillary, Comey, Lynch, And Others in DOJ and FBI...

Congress Demands The Arrest of Hillary Clinton And Appointment of Second Special Counsel in wake of the FBI Spy Operation