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Connecting the Dots

Donald Trump Orders Justice Department to Investigate Obama Surveillance

by Charlie Spiering May 20, 2018 President Donald J. Trump announced his decision to demand an official investigation of former President Barack Obama’s administration on Sunday...

Poll shows Trudeau’s Liberals would be wiped out west of Quebec

The news that the latest Angus Reid poll would see the Conservatives take 40% of the popular vote to the Liberals 30% is a surprising story, almost as surprising as millennial voters fleeing the Liberals to the Conservatives

MUNK DEBATES: ‘Political Correctness’ Dr. Jordan Peterson, Stephen Fry, Michael Eric Dyson, and Michelle...

Watch Stephen Fry, Dr Jordan B Peterson, Michael Eric Dyson, and Michelle Goldberg at the Munk Debates

Smart meters cook us with thousands of microwave pulses every day, while collecting our...

If you have smart meters in your neighborhood – and there’s a good chance you do – you’re being cooked with thousands of microwave pulses every day

Justin Trudeau sides with terrorists, again, by Brian Lilley

Note that Trudeau calls the, “Reported use of excessive force and live ammunition is inexcusable.” Who reports that it is excessive? The Hamas government of Gaza, a terrorist organization

Ratings Crisis: CNN Suffers Viewership Collapse of Nearly 30 Percent

With week two of May 2018 now in the books, we find that CNN’s ratings have collapsed even more than last week, close to -30 percent in total viewers and an astonishing -35 percent in demo viewers

Man Who Stabbed Canadian Soldiers & Cited Radical Islamist Ideology Acquitted Of Terrorism Charges...

The attack was motivated by the defendant’s radical religious and ideological beliefs but there is no dispute that the formation of those beliefs was in large part precipitated by mental disorder

The 20 biggest cancer lies you’ve been brainwashed to believe by the criminal fraudsters...

You've been taught all sorts of lies about cancer by the "cancer profiteers" -- the institutions, cancer doctors, oncology centers and chemotherapy drug makers who profit from cancer

BC acute care…from the inside, by Harvey Oberfeld

I was supposed to be cruising. You know… my usual end-of-winter Florida departure with 2,000 possible new friends at sea …