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Deep State? What about elite television news anchors?

The elite news anchor is the eunuch: “trusted everywhere”

This Week In Money featuring Dr. Jerome Corsi

https://youtu.be/x--mdQik0WA Dr. Jerome Corsi – Killing The Deep State, Stock Markets and the Uptick Rule. Guest's Twitter: https://twitter.com/jerome_corsi?ref_...    

Vancouver Area Mayors Not Running for Re Election? Bob Mackin

Are Political Parties Lawsuit Proof?

Trump Recruited By Military 3 Years Ago! Dr. Jerome Corsi (Video)


Mark Zuckerberg Claims Facebook Censorship of Diamond and Silk Was ‘Enforcement Error’

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg claimed before Congress today that YouTube stars Diamond and Silk were limited on the platform due to an ‘enforcement error.’

Ted Cruz HAMMERS Mark Zuckerberg for Facebook’s Anti-Conservative Bias

Ted Cruz isn’t wrong. Facebook has been incredibly biased toward conservatives. One might say purposefully so

Tucker Carlson Slams Bipartisan Call to War Based on a Tragic Viral Video

Tucker Carlson lambasted war hawks on the right and left who agree that the US must go to war and overthrow Syrian President Assad, based on a viral video depicting people suffering from a poison gas attack that offers no real proof against Assad

Syria, Israel, Mueller, Stormy, and the Border. Michael Rivero this Week!

US/China Trade War, Gold, Cryptos, and the First Amendment

Deep Truth. Neither CNN or Fox will tell you this.

https://youtu.be/w9N5Y1-gkJo Dana Ashlie Published on 30 Mar 2018 See overview of video topics w/ time stamps incl. in desc. box. Ni^ck Cr^uz heard v0ices urging him to...

Justin Trudeau’s failure of leadership costs Canadians pipelines and billions, by Brian Lilley

(The Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, and the Premier of Alberta, Rachel Notley, announced, in Calgary Friday, July 15, 2016, funding to construct...