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Connecting the Dots


Today’s Daily press briefing with Sarah Huckabee Sanders..

"We are allowed to disagree but should be able to do so freely and without fear of harm." White House press secretary Sarah Sanders opens her briefing with a statement about being asked to leave a Virginia restaurant

Doug Ford Was Right To Skip The Toronto Pride Parade Because Of The Radical...

While some on the far-left are trying to demonize Doug Ford for skipping the Toronto Pride parade, it is clear to most people that he made the right move

Trudeau Puts Canadian Troops at Risk in Push for Security Council Seat, by Harvey...

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been fawning for years before the United Nations... pandering to its dictators and turning a blind eye to its worst human rights violators. But now he has gone too far … placing Canadian military lives at risk … sending 250 on a UN "peacekeeping" mission toMail … a country in chaos for decades … where MORE THAN 100 UN peacekeepers have already been killed. Why is he doing it?

Removing The Private Central Bank Is A Challenge, Those Who Tried Were Stopped:Harley Schlanger

https://youtu.be/5-3a9k-utdw Most of artwork that are included with these videos have been created by X22 Report and they are used as a representation of the...

GUEST COLUMN: Like him or not, Trump is raising real issues that Canada can’t...

The anti-Trump bandwagon in Canada is rejoicing after another show of, according to our media, idiotic behaviour by the American president

Bill Good Sparks Questions as Voice of New Anti-Electoral Reform Group in British Columbia

(Broadcaster Bill Good holds his Radio Television Digital News Association’s Sam Ross Award in Vancouver in April for his editorial on News 1130, A...

EDITORIAL: Trudeau’s phoney climate war against Ford begins

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he will force carbon pricing on Ontario now that premier-designate Doug Ford has announced he will scrap the cap and trade scheme imposed on the province by defeated premier Kathleen Wynne

Brad Wall says Trudeau playing favourites with Quebec against the West, by Brian Lilley

“There is more Western Alienation right now in Alberta and Saskatchewan,” says Brad Wall, “than I have ever seen.”

What is Q ANON & The Great Awakening?

https://youtu.be/TQscIaCFOkI JustInformed Talk Published on 26 May 2018 SUBSCRIBED 87K What is Q ANON & The Great Awakening? PATREON: www.patreon.com/justinformedtalk    

ALL FAKED! Fake photo, fake news, fake media and the engineering of fake outrage...

The now-infamous “family separation” photo you see below, taken by John Moore and licensed by Getty Images, has become the emotion-infused rallying cry for fact-devoid Leftists to demand unlimited open borders that would flood the United States with illegals