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https://youtu.be/FUbP7dMVoww CHEMTRAIL / GEOENGINEERING DOCUMENTARY You can support further projects with a donation on: http://overcastthemovie.com OVERCAST is a groundbreaking documentary about a phenomenon that most...

Hillary “Faith Advisor” Sexually Harassed Campaign Staff and She Refused to Fire Him!

https://www.facebook.com/Deep6TheDeepState/videos/396444830767209/ Dick wraps up this week with more news about Hillary and her faith adviser assaults her staff... The Speaker located in the bottom right corner...

Has President Trump Done a Good Job After a Year in Office? Easton talks...

Jim Goddard starts the new year off talking with Michael Easton of Easton Spectator ... talking politics is what its all about...

FBI, FISA Memo, TPP, DACA, and The Swamp. Michael Rivero

Voting, Government Shutdown, Flu Shot, NSA, and Human Trafficking

How “Trump Trauma” Is Crippling the News Media (Guest Column)

Fox News analyst Howard Kurtz argues that press misjudgment has upended coverage of the White House and boosted the president's agenda in this exclusive excerpt from his new book, 'Media Madness.'

Pictures: Globalist Davos Summit Buried in Snow as Elites Gather to Discuss Global Warming

Although Davos is known as a meeting place of keen globalists championing progressive causes, it is also anticipated that the key herald of anti-globalism is to attend this week and speak Friday — President Donald J. Trump. The anti-Globalist President is expected to close Davos Friday, giving a speech that is anticipated to touch his electoral keystones of economic protectionism and the America First doctrine — themes that the rest of the summit attendees are expected to spend their week working against.

AUTHORITARIANS: Trudeau Government May Bring Back Widely-Criticized ‘Hate Speech’ Law As Campaign Against Free...

During their time in office, there has been a steady drift in the Trudeau government seeking to demonize and even criminalize the millions of Canadians who dissent from their viewpoints

How the sushi boom is fuelling tapeworm infections

As eating raw fish has become more popular, gruesome tapeworm tales have emerged. But how worried should sashimi lovers be – and how else might we become infected?

Voting Machines are used in Canada

I thought we would post this for those who don't remember the Bush election scam in Florida. Does our vote really count?

How Obama manipulated sensitive secret intelligence for political gain

For years, a clandestine U.S. intelligence team had tracked a man they knew was high in the leadership of al Qaeda — an operative some believed had a hand in plotting the gruesome 2009 suicide attack in Afghanistan that killed seven CIA officers