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Connecting the Dots

The top ten really big SCIENCE LIES of 2018, all spelled out in advance...

The flu vaccine is a grand medical hoax. It doesn’t work. That’s why most of the people getting the flu this season are the very same people who stupidly lined up to receive the flu shot. (Just ask ’em, they’ll tell you all about how they’re so smart and obedient to be injected with mercury-based preservatives because the government told them they need vaccine shots

Joshua Boyle Arrested, Faces 15 Charges Including Forcible Confinement, Eight Counts Of Assault, &...

The Boyle family had recently visited Justin Trudeau in the Prime Minister’s Office, a visit that many found questionable considering Boyle’s past ties to the Khadr family, including having served as a spokesman for the family, and having been married to Omar Khadr’s sister Zaynab

Trudeau’s Travel Troubles Reveal SERIOUS Flaw by Harvey Oberfeld

  by Harvey Oberfeld Keeping It Real... January 2, 2018 Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s may have thought … or hoped … the  Christmas/NewYear break would put enough time and...

Donald Trump: ‘Deep State’ Justice Department Must Act Against Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton, and...

President Donald Trump urged the Justice Department to prosecute Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, and James Comey in response to a new report about the alleged mishandling of secure data

Bone chilling speech about threat of Islam in Europe, Plus, a classic speech from...

In this must watch speech, Paul Weston delivers a brilliant and bone chilling speech about some of the dangers of Islam in England and Europe as a whole due to the millions of muslim migrants that are entering Europe with no kind of vetting process or control

Trump TAKE DOWN, Clinton Donors Fear Seizure As Executive Order Targets “Property”

The executive order freezes assets in the United States held by international criminals.

The true story of how Tim Hortons was founded on greed and betrayal

In 2006, Ron Joyce, the businessman who helped found Tim Hortons released his tell-all book spilling the sordid behind-the-scenes details from the iconic brand’s formative years. From the archives, read our take on the saga

Deep State Takedown In Progress: Is Trump About To Start Arresting Top Democrats And...

In recent days, there have been all sorts of rumblings about sealed indictments, pending arrests and a “deep state takedown”. Many believe that we are on the verge of seeing some of the most prominent Democrats in the entire nation being arrested and thrown in prison

New Trump Executive Order Could Lead to Global Asset Forfeiture (Video)

https://youtu.be/vA-q-z5vaDk By Ron Paul December 29, 2017 in News by Slad President Trump issued an Executive Order allowing the government to seize the assets of people and corporations said to be associated...

Lindsey Graham. An Ally of President Trump. No, Really! Watch!

Senator Graham talks Trump, Mueller and 2018 and much much more...