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Connecting the Dots

Traditional cancer treatments cause inflammation, promoting aggressive tumor growth, according to study

Researchers have long understood that there is a distinct link between inflammation and cancer.

Roy Green: Trudeau’s troubling take on returning ISIS fighters

IS remains unrepentant about committing some of the most vicious cruelty toward humanity since the Schutz Staffel of Adolf Hitler led Nazi legions in the systemic elimination of millions of lives

Hong Kong Ship Seized By South Korea For Alleged Illegal Oil Transfers To North...

South Korea says they are holding the Lighthouse Winmore – a Hong Kong-flagged ship that was allegedly selling oil to North Korea

New Trump Executive Order Targets Clinton-Linked Individuals, Lobbyists And Perhaps Uranium One (Video)

The Trump Administration quietly issued an Executive Order (EO) last Thursday which allows for the freezing of US-housed assets belonging to foreign individuals or entities deemed “serious human rights abusers,” along with government officials and executives of foreign corporations (current or former) found to have engaged in corruption –

Trump, Vegas Shooting, Bundy Ranch and NAFTA with Michael Rivero

Trains, Cryptos, and Net Neutrality

White House Lawyers Still Claim Robert Mueller Will End Probe Soon

In an interview Monday, Jay Sekulow, a member of the president’s legal team, stood by the prediction that the part of the inquiry involving Mr. Trump would end soon

New questions emerge about cell phone radiofrequencies causing brain damage, especially in children

The research also confirms that people diagnosed with certain forms of brain cancer are more likely to have used cell phones in the preceding decade, and that the cancers usually occur on the side of the head that their cell phones are most often used on

Justin Trudeau: Returning Islamic State Jihadists Can Be ‘Extraordinarily Powerful Voice’ in Canada

Trudeau’s remarks have triggered outrage among conservatives in Canadian media. Analyst Ezra Levant, for example, notes that the individuals targeted by these reform programs have already committed crimes by virtue of traveling to join ISIS: “Our criminal code has provisions against terrorism, and specifically, provisions about even travelling to join a terrorist group, even if you don’t shoot a bullet or rape anyone.”

Radio Station Reports UN Vehicles Entering Chicago, Gets Taken Off The Air (Video)

Matt Dubiel joins Alex Jones and Roger Stone live to break down how his radio station was mysteriously silenced from the airwaves while broadcasting Infowars…

Clinton Corruption Completely Exposed in Under Five Minutes

Morning Joe exposes the corruption of the Clinton Foundation and "Bill Clinton Inc.".