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Why has the Deep State gone to war against Donald Trump?

December 17 by Jon Rappoport Why has the Deep State gone to war against Donald Trump? Some people say Trump is nothing more than another Globalist puppet. Is that...

WATCH: The Rich Pay Less Taxes, Middle Class Pays More, While Millionaire Trudeau Gets...

Most government legislation is filled with hundreds and hundreds of pages of obscure text. Even when passed, it gets implemented “interpreted”, and manipulated by a massive and opaque bureaucracy, not to mention the Ministers running departments.

BREAKING NEWS TRUMP 12/16/17: Hannity – “A Second Special Counsel”

@President Trump, "We the People" AREN'T just "ANGRY"! We're down right pissed at the upper management of the FBI! What these people have done is beyond reprehensible!

There is Something Very Strange about This Man!

Jared Kushner globalist george soros connection donald trump 666 fifth avenue israel antichrist spirit on earth?

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton Uncovers New Clinton Scandal, plus…

JW President Tom Fitton is LIVE discussing JW Suing Over Anti-Trump FBI Info, Uncovers New Clinton Scandal Docs, & Sues Cali to Clean Up Dirty Voter Rolls

Why are America’s farmers killing themselves in record numbers?

The suicide rate for farmers is more than double that of veterans. Former farmer Debbie Weingarten gives an insider’s perspective on farm life – and how to help

DOWN: Trudeau’s Approval Rating Falls Into Negative Territory For First Time In Angus Reid...

For the first time since the 2015 election, the Angus Reid poll shows more Canadians disapprove of Trudeau than approve

FCC Votes To End Net Neutrality

Despite over-hyped concerns, the vote simply returns FCC internet regulations to pre-2015 conditions

What The Hell Is Going On! Trey Gowdy Goes off on Rod Rosenstein Over...

https://youtu.be/KxAkQ4l_AqA WOW Trey Gowdy Just Went Off On Rod Rosenstein MUST WATCH this is breaking news and latest news today and today news and trump...