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Poll predicts NDP opposition to a PC majority government

NDP leader Andrea Horwath would lead Ontario’s Official Opposition if the provincial election was held now, according to a new poll

Marijuana Compound Removes Toxic Alzheimer’s Protein from the Brain

Scientists have new evidence that suggests that THC inhibits the formation of amyloid plaques by blocking the enzyme in the brain that produces them. Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's are caused by the poor formation of those proteins in the brain

Boy Scouts Lose 425,000 Boys 1 Week After Announcing Name Change

It was five years ago that the Scouts voted to admit openly gay boys into the organization. The Mormon church said it had always allowed gays to join but the tension was building

Trump says he might ‘take away credentials’ from TV reporters because ‘91% of the...

President Donald Trump suggested Wednesday that he might revoke White House credentials for some journalists, following the publication of a survey that showed a dramatic leftward tilt in television news coverage about him

VIDEO: Trump Announces Withdrawal From Iran Nuclear Agreement

“We will be instituting the highest level of economic sanction,” said Trump. “Any nation that helps Iran in its quest for nuclear weapons could also be strongly sanctioned by the United States.”

How will the Monsanto-Bayer merger affect the expanding medical marijuana industry?

There are many reasons to be concerned about the Bayer-Monsanto merger, one of the most dangerous business deals in history

Canadian Business Confidence Falls To 18-Month Low, Many Firms Say Trudeau Government Policy To...

by Spencer Fernando May 7, 2018 As fears of weakening competitiveness continue to spread, Canadian businesses are losing confidence in our economy. According to the Conference Board...

LAVOY: Dead Man Talking – Red Pill Expo (Video)

https://youtu.be/3ja9YigMWnA from G. Edward Griffin  2018 may 7Red Pill Expo has been chosen to present the World Premier of LAVOY: Dead Man Talking A documentary you will never forget. This...

EMFs And RFRs Finally Taken To Court, In Canada That Is

A Class Action was filed in Superior Court, Province of Quebec, District of Montreal, Canada, Case No. 500-06-000760-153 against 50 Respondents including the Attorneys General of Quebec and Canada, the City of Sainte-Anne-Des-Lacs, Hydro-Quebec, and approximately 40 corporations involved in the manufacture, production, servicing and transmission of Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMFs) and Radiofrequencies (RFRs), for their contributory roles in the transmissions, products and services that emit

Corporate Welfare: Trudeau & Wynne Give $220 Million Taxpayer Dollars To Company That Made...

The higher taxes and energy costs rise, the more the government desperately resorts to corporate welfare