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Passport to the Brave New World: the vaccine Apr 14 by Jon Rappoport

I have already written about the currency reset and other features of a technocratic future waiting in the wings

Trump unloads on press in response to Fauci tweet, media coverage

President Trump gets into heated argument with members of press over media coverage of coronavirus and retweet about Dr. Fauci

How President Trump Is Exposing a Corrupt Technocracy, by Praying Medic

Continuing my series on President Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic, today, I’ll explain the hidden goal he may have in mind as he deals with medical experts in his daily press briefings

COVID: The squeeze play on the population Apr 13 by Jon Rappoport

It’s a con as old as the hills. The ancient chieftain of a little territory looks out across his domain and says to his top aide, “You know, we have these clusters of people worshiping different gods.

Trump retweets post calling for firing of Dr. Anthony Fauci

President Trump on Sunday night retweeted a post that called for the ousting of Dr. Anthony Fauci after the infectious disease specialist appeared on CNN.

The Hidden Hand forming a Gray State: 33rd Edition

Lucifer through the Looking Glass

“The Truth About Adrenochrome” featuring Jordan Sather of Destroying the Illusion

I just learned the horrible, impossible truth about a drug called “adrenochrome.”

Robert F Kennedy Jr. Exposes Bill Gates’ Vaccine Dictatorship Plan

Does the whole pandemic stand to benefit Bill Gates tremendously as he will provide the technology to develop "global immunity passports" and the Gates Foundation will be heavily involved in any vaccine creation?  Is it possible?

Bigger Than You Can Imagine, [F] Black Sites Are Being Closed – Dave of...

The [DS]/MSM are not fighting to keep their event alive, this is failing. People are starting to realize that the numbers are not matching up and the MSM is now pushing fake stories.