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The Take Down of George Soros Has Begun

Two months after I wrote this article it is being reported by Bloomberg that Hungary, the home nation of George Soros, will be banning NGO's funded by Soros foundations.

William Barr says FISA report release is ‘imminent’

Attorney General William Barr said a release is "imminent" for the Justice Department inspector general's report on alleged Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act abuses

How Alberta pays Quebec’s bills: Four charts that show Alberta picks up the tab

The nearly $240B Albertans have paid out as part of net federal fiscal transfers is more than one-and-a-half times as much as B.C. and Ontario combined

Julian Assange’s lawyer says his health is ‘seriously deteriorating’

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange remains ill and effectively isolated in a high-security prison alongside inmates facing charges for violent offences and terrorism, his lawyer Jennifer Robinson told a Sydney audience on Friday night

Corrupt Judge Amy Berman Jackson Refused Roger Stone from Raising the Argument that Would...

by Joe Hoft The Gateway Pundit November 15, 2019 Roger Stone was convicted today on seven counts of process crimes which could put him in prison for...

LIGHTS OUT: Watch a Defeated Yovanovitch Admit She Has No Knowledge of President Trump...

Yovanovitch, an Obama holdover, was fired in May of this year and she perjured herself in last month’s closed-door testimony.

EXCLUSIVE: First-Ever Look Inside Epstein’s Private Island

First-Ever Look Inside Epstein’s Private Island

Major Q Drops – Dustin Nemos

YouTube is censoring, unsubscribing, and un-notifying patriot channels across the board. This channel could be taken down without notice

Rogers, Vancouver Canucks and Freedom of Expression

“Support Don Cherry” sign confiscated by security at NHL game, hockey fan speaks out