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Former President Of Microsoft Canada, Frank Cleg : 5G Wireless IS NOT SAFE

Americans For Responsible Technology

What a Schiff Show! Congressional clowns unleash staged “impeachment theater” that only makes themselves...

“What we will witness today is a televised, theatrical performance, staged by the Democrats.” – Rep. Devin Nunes.

CTV morning show host slams “white boys” who like hockey

One of the hosts, Jessica Allen, proceeded to characterize a “certain type of person” who Cherry represents

UN in Utah, Racist Michael Obama, Schiff is Criminal, SANDMAN CASE BACK ON (Dustin...

Federal Judge reopens Covington Catholic Teen’s $250 million lawsuit against Washington Post

Exposing Jeffrey Epstein’s International Sex Trafficking Ring

The Jeffrey Epstein scandal – Tara Brown reports how a New York billionaire masterminded an international sex trafficking ring of young women, and why wealthy and powerful men, including HRH Prince Andrew, are now implicated in the saga.

Devine: Liberals enabled powerful sex abusers

Like a lot of wronged women, Monica Lewinsky now is reassessing her “affair” with Bill Clinton through the lens of the MeToo movement.

Cotton Might Not Be King for Long, Hemp is Making a Comeback in Levi’s...

Hemp just became legal to grow in the United States for the first time in nearly a century.

The Arrests Are Coming, but When? by Praying Medic (Dave)

by Praying Medic November 10, 2019 My previous two articles (here and here) explored the evidence suggesting that much of the work required to remove corruption is complete....