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Here’s what the CDC says about the test for the Coronavirus Mar 24 by...

—The CDC (US Centers for Disease Control) admits the coronavirus test is flawed. That’s the overview and the takeaway—

Justin Trudeau’s Canada Is Obama’s Dream for America

To adapt a phrase from Matt Margolis, Justin Trudeau is the worst Prime Minister in Canadian history.

A Question for Vancouver Mayor Kennedy Stewart, by BMCQ

I will be doing everything I can to assist Tenants, Company Employees, Customers, and my family will do Everything and more expected of us during the Covid-19 Virus outbreak .

Jim Goddard Welcomes Jon Rappoport to the Goddard Report

How to turn a non-pandemic into a pandemic

We Are Being Played, Like a Fiddle! – Amazing Polly… VP Pence hires Dr....

Who exactly is handling the Corona Virus Task Force in the US? I look in to the back ground of Debra Birx which leads us to PEPFAR, which leads us to

Why do people not listen ? by BMCQ

So now Politicians, Health Officials Police, RCMP have and many other Mensa Members who Lead Canadian Society have ordered Canadians to Isolate themselves from others to contain the Covid 19 which BTW way originated in China

Coronavirus: What if… [From WantToKnow.com]

What if the Coronavirus is being used as a further test to see how much more we will willingly give up our freedoms?

David Icke – The Truth Behind The Coronavirus PANDEMIC: COVID-19 LOCKDOWN & THE ECONOMIC...

This same “cult” is also known as the Deep State, can also use random events to ratchet their plans forward. Trump is taking them out, and soon. The Storm is Upon Us!

One By One All The Exits Are Being Blocked WW, Hold, Wait For It!

The [DS]/MSM are pushing this event to the extreme, they are fighting for their lives, but the patriots are shutting down all the exits one by one

How Trump Is Winning the War Against coronavirus

The coronavirus is providing Donald Trump with an intriguing opportunity. One that I don’t think anyone saw coming