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Biden, Trending Towards Grand Jury Investigation. Dems in Panic – Dustin Nemos

CNN anchors look glum and dejected after transcript vindicates Trump

America First: President Trump FULL United Nations speech

Seems the mainstream media are desperate to keep President Trump's stellar United Nations speech out of the news.

Schiff Gets Crushed for ‘Making up Quotes’ About Trump Controversy — Claims It’s ‘Parody’

House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) is claiming that his opening remarks during Thursday’s House Intelligence hearing with acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire were meant to be “part in parody,” as he’s being called out for them

Mark Levin Says Media Is Ignoring ‘Massive Democrat Scandal’ To Protect Biden

There is a scandal involving an American politician and Ukraine, according to conservative commentator Mark Levin.

Cancer industry not looking for a cure; they’re too busy making money

It may sound ridiculously cynical to some, but there are many who believe that cancer is too big a business (meaning too lucrative) to ever actually cure. And they say the proof is in the numbers.

One on one with PPC Leader Maxime Bernier – Vancouver Sun

Maxime Bernier flew into Vancouver yesterday morning for a rally and interviews. This one with the Vancouver Sun.

Elizabeth May on her friendship with Bill Clinton (same earrings in recent interviews)

"Of course, when I met him, he was a Yale law student."

Eco-hysteria girl “Greta” a victim of extreme psychological terrorism by radical left-wing handlers… it’s...

by Mike Adams September 25, 2019 The eco-fascists have now turned to terrorizing and mentally abusing their own children as a tactic for social influence. Greta Thunberg...

‘You Have Forgotten’: Seven Conservative Attacks on Canada’s Veterans

Last year retired general Rick Hillier, the former head of the Canadian Military, spoke about high rates of suicide and mental anguish among Canadian soldiers returning home:

Swiss protests against 5G tech: health dangers Sep 25 by Jon Rappoport

“Opponents of the introduction of fifth generation cellular network technology (5G) in Switzerland gathered in Bern on Saturday to protest against ‘forced radiation’.”