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Maxime Bernier DESERVES a Voice in Election Debates

Maxime Bernier is no un-elected fringe misfit leading a bunch of kooks.

WATCH: Trudeau Totally Dodges Question On Why He’s Using Communist China Steel Instead Of...

He was also asked whether the US approved the use of Chinese steel in Canada, considering US concerns over illegal steel dumping by the Communist State.

INTERVIEW: Google Whistleblower Zach Vorhies

Google whistleblower Zachary Vorhies joined us in this week’s ‘Dig It! Podcast’ to discuss the 950 documents he turned over to the DOJ and Project Veritas.

FCC Investigates Apple, Samsung Phones After Test Finds Too Much Radiation

The FCC is now investigating some of the phone models featured in the newspaper’s investigation.

The worst is still to come for Jim Comey

At 6’8”, fired FBI director James Comey moves through life like a shark’s fin, well above the water level set by the rest of us. This brings attention, which he appears to enjoy, perhaps even crave.

Breaking News: Dr Tim Ball Defeats Michael Mann’s Climate Lawsuit!

‘Hockey Stick’ Discredited by Statisticians in 2003

WATCH: Asked About Carbon Tax Hikes, McKenna Says “I’m Just Worried About Getting Re-Elected”

All this gal is interested in, is getting re-elected!

BREAKING!! DOJ Inspector General Releases James Comey Report!! — Conclusion: Comey Violated Department and...

Comey Violated Department and FBI Policies Pertaining to the Retention, Handling, and Dissemination of FBI Records and Information

Biased Mainstream Media Ignore Critics Of ‘Hottest July’ Claims

Written by Joseph Vasquez August 24, 2019 “Hottest month in human history” has a certain ring to it. But some scientists say that ring isn’t true. The...

EDITORIAL: Let Maxime Bernier debate

There are clear strategic reasons governing some people’s opinions about the PPC. If Bernier is in the debates, it will likely change how some people vote