Judge Sullivan: A Prosecutor in Robes, Alan Dershowitz
Alan Dershowitz nails the Judge Sullivan debacle concisely… read on, it's short enough!
The Depth Of The Swamp Is Exposed, The Shadow Government…
The [DS]/MSM is now losing the battle with the event, people, doctors are now waking up and speaking out
Nolte: CNN’s Jake Tapper Was a Willing #Obamagate Co-Conspirator
CNN’s Jake Tapper didn’t just spend the last few years deliberately spreading fake news about the now-debunked Russia Collusion Hoax; we must never forget he was also a willing #Obamagate co-conspirator
WAKE UP, AMERICA! The liberal Democrats have ONE objective: POWER over American people! by...
The new Nancy Pelosi $3-Trillion Congressional bill is NOT for struggling Americans
Ben Swann Analyzes the $100 Billion Contact Tracing Bill, HR 6666
Courtesy of
May 15, 2020
Ben Swann said that while the COVID-19 ‘Testing, Reaching, and Contacting Everyone’ (TRACE) Act bill is short and to the point,...
Stunning! Deep State Made Unmasking Requests on Trump Family Members the Morning of President...
If former CIA Director John Brennan is outed as the quarterback of the dossier scandal, then by association, so is his boss, former President Obama.
Freedoms vs. Fear Misinformation and Money – Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson on the Goddard Report
Misinformation and Money
IT’S ON! President Trump Calls for Former President Obama to be Questioned Under Oath...
By Jim Hoft
The Gateway Pundit
May 14, 2020
The media was outraged when President Trump accused former President Obama of spying on his campaign and transition...
Huawei Facial Recognition Cameras and 5G Small Cell Antennas: Canada
The video is of a shuffle site in downtown Calgary at Brookfield Place that includes Huawei facial recognition camera and 5G small cell antennas
Qanon May 12, 2020 – Shadow Presidency – Praying Medic
Q shines a light on the shadow Presidency of Barack Obama.