BREAKING: DOJ Drops Charges Against General Flynn
On Thursday, the AP reported the Justice Department said it is dropping the three-year-long case against President Trump’s first national security advisor, Lt. General Michael Flynn.
Plandemic The Movie (Part 1) – Interview with Judy Mikovits
Humanity is imprisoned by a killer pandemic. People are being arrested for surfing in the ocean and meditating in nature
HUGE UPDATE: Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx Used Imperial College Model — NOW CONFIRMED...
Dr. Tony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx used the Imperial College Model to persuade President Trump to lock down the ENTIRE US ECONOMY.
Tanzania suspends laboratory head after president questions coronavirus tests
Rhe director of the laboratory and its quality assurance manager had been immediately suspended “to pave way for the investigation”.
Democrat Dallas Judge Eric Moye Who Sentenced Shelley Luther to 7 Days in Jail...
Of course he is – Dallas Judge Eric Moye is a Democrat and an Obama faithful.
Lockdowns: looks like an op, smells like an op, walks six feet apart like...
The Bill Gates plan involves a mother of all vaccines for COVID, mandated across the globe, before the lockdowns end
Qanon May 5, 2020 – The Time Is Coming – Praying Medic
Q has discussed corruption and the Red Cross in the past but it seems the time may be coming for more disclosure. Q Chronicles Book 1 - Calm Before the Storm:
Economic Timing, Everything Is About To Change – The Time Is Coming, The People...
The entire economic system is coming back online, states, businesses are now opening up slowly
Treason Doesn’t Pay Well In The End – Praying Medic
335K subscribers
Corrupt people are desperately trying to regain control, but Q warns that they will soon be put on trial for their crimes.
BOOM! Sidney Powell Drops Bomb: Comey and Company Prosecuted Flynn So He and Trump...
On Monday Attorney Sidney Powell dropped this bomb on the deep state.