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Lotto Max gets harder to win, but lottery crown corps won’t say why |...

David Menzies of The Rebel had two simple questions for lottery crown corporations but got the run-around. So much for "transparency..."

BC’s Connection to SNC Lavalin. Bob Mackin with Jim Goddard

Key player in BC Legislature expense scandal doesn’t have to pay back taxpayers

Mainstream Media Normalizing Pedophilia In Reality Show, Calling it “Age Gap Love”

Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project Waking Times May 31, 2019 Last year, TFTP reported how a disturbing push was made to attempt to normalize pedophilia as a mainstream “sexual...

BC NDP Loves Photo Radar. Ian Tootill

Is BC return to photo radar a cash grab?

UK’s First 5G Court Case — And The People Won

New court ruling in Britain upholds right of people to know of the dangers of unproven 5G microwave technology

The Spies Who Decked Me, by Byron Christopher

The Spies Who Decked Me by Byron Christopher The man I’m writing about lived in my neighbourhood, in the West end of Edmonton, Alberta. We were close, geographically speaking. Only...

SNC-Lavalin To Stand Trial, Further Discrediting Trudeau PMO Interference

SNC-Lavalin will be forced to stand trial, following a ruling from a Quebec judge.

The Monsanto Papers : Roundup & The Canadian Connection – Enquête

Monsanto has faced claims its popular weedkiller Roundup may cause cancer, after the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) announced its principle ingredient glyphosate was probably carcinogenic to humans

Backroom Liberals Pushing Former Goldman Sachs Banker Mark Carney As Trudeau Replacement?

Toronto Star claims some backroom Liberals want Bank of England Governor Mark Carney to take over if the Liberals lose

Horgan/NDP Playing the Public for Fools, by Harvey Oberfeld

(British Columbia Premier John Horgan)   by Harvey Oberfeld Keeping It Real... May 27, 2019 Premier John Horgan and his NDP government are laughing all the way to the...