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COMEY FREAKS! Lashes out at Attorney General Bill Barr, President Trump After Spying and...

James Comey and several others are in serious trouble. These anti-Trump deep state operatives tried to take out President Trump and failed. Now they are going to face justice.

LILLEY: Norman not the only victim of Trudeau’s vindictive streak

As the Conservatives hammered the Liberals in the House of Commons for the second night in a row, a woman at the centre of the drama surrounding Vice-Admiral Mark Norman was hammering the actions of the Trudeau government

Kenya attack: 147 dead as Islamist gunmen target Christian students

At least 147 people have been killed after Islamist terrorists attacked a Kenyan university, singling out Christian students to murder

‘The fight of your life’: In a Postmedia exclusive, Mark Norman tells his side...

Norman was in his kitchen in April 2017 when his wife Bev, astonished, called out to him. 'I think the prime minister was just talking about you'

126 cases and 0 criminal charges: Is Quebec’s police watchdog doing its job?

Kate McKenna  CBC News ·  Published: May 22, 2019 There are still nights when June Celik wakes up crying, wishing she hadn't called police on her son Koray. On...

The media has turned against Monsanto, and Bayer is now facing a “snowball effect”...

With the acquisition of Monsanto by Bayer, a German corporation linked to the Third Reich and the chemical murder of Jews during the Holocaust, the U.S. media has now turned against Monsanto

BC Money Laundering Inquiry – Bob Mackin

Top BC Liberals party it up at one of the Province’s money laundering centres

UnPlanned: What She Saw Changed Everything

"Unplanned" is a powerful new blockbuster film that chronicles the life of Abby Johnson, a former abortion clinic director whose life and career were turned upside-down by what she saw one day in her clinic

As Trudeau & McKenna Push Climate Fear-Mongering, Ontario Liberal MPs Secretly Rate Environment As...

Justin Trudeau and Catherine McKenna continue to push desperate climate fear-mongering, trying to make Canadians think that our nation will be destroyed if we don’t support the carbon tax

Kevin Johnston ordered to pay $2.5M for ‘hateful, Islamophobic’ remarks against restaurant chain owner

Kevin Johnston's behaviour and comments to Mohamad Fakih called 'horrific' by judge