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How do you know its Organic? Sheryl McCumsey joins Jim Goddard in discussion

Should Industry be involved in Government pesticide decisions?

Newly Forming ‘Islamic Party Of Ontario’ Says “Islam Is The Native Religion Of Ontario...

Many Canadians are expressing concerns about the fledgling theocratic party

Under Obama, US Became World’s Number 1 for Sex Trafficking and Pedophilia

America became trafficking and pedophile ring hotspot during Obama 2nd term

Former NY Times editor rips Trump coverage as biased

A former executive editor of the New York Times says the paper’s news pages, the home of its straight-news coverage, have become “unmistakably anti-Trump.”

Whole Foods pulls off elaborate five-year GMO labeling hoax; lies to customers and hopes...

by Mike Adams January 2, 2019 (Natural News) Whole Foods Market, now owned by Amazon, has pulled off an elaborate five-year GMO labeling hoax that deceived its...

The Shady History of the Trudeau Foundation

https://youtu.be/oeNB91vDTWI Just My Stupid Opinion Published on 11 Jan 2018 SUBSCRIBE 776 Justin Trudeau owes his rise to power to the sketchy dealings of the Trudeau Foundation. It has,...

CLUELESS: McKenna Retweets Tweet Criticizing Canada For Emissions Over ‘Global Average,’ Totally Ignoring That...

by Spencer Fernando December 31, 2018 There’s no way to keep Canada going without using lots of energy, because we’re one of the coldest nations on...

Frontpage Magazine’s Person of The Year: Sarah Huckabee Sanders

The media is the enemy and Sarah Huckabee Sanders is the warrior who takes them on day after day

Maxed out: Bernier says his People’s Party is set up in all 338 ridings...

https://youtu.be/Ek5MZrv6khA The party's platform is still being finalized, but its website says positions taken by Bernier in the Conservative leadership race will form the basis...

Study PROVES chemicals in shampoo and toothpaste are altering sex hormones in adolescents

New research out of the University of California, Berkeley has revealed that many conventional shampoo, soap, and toothpaste products are loaded with endocrine-disrupting chemicals, or EDCs, that damage hormones in developing children